carrd inspired by Kinchip (old)


~ self-taught artist,
she/they, sleepyhead 24/7~

" a sour with lemon "

click on the buttons to through links
EY! you can click on the → to move through pages


- I may also draw more TBHK-related stuff than any other fandom
- I'm currently looking for a different style that fits me as best and I try to improve my art! on the way, but I can figure out how to make money to help with the household bills!
I appreciate your support!

↓ social media ↓

email: [email protected]


~ call me Lei
18, Pisces (2/26), INTJ-T, Student ~

Permissions for my artworks :

⋄ Reposts and Use in Profile/Banners | are totally ok as long you give PROPER CREDITS! It's okay if you didn't know, pm me to ask, Respect means a lot <3

I do not tolerate :

⋄ TRACING OR ANY FORM OF PLAGIARISM. | Know when to joke around, ANY OFFENSIVE REMARKS OR HATE over whatever topic/people are not ok...

Do you have Webtoon? :

⋄ "Dream Come True" was the name of the romantic high school series. In his dreams, the young man was in love with the girl. but before I start the series on webtoon, I will have to finish my study habits. D:

What do you use? :

Program : MediBang | IbisPaint
Devices : Phone, Laptop + Pen Tab (Kamvas 13)

thank you for your times to read! have a great day!